How to Calculate BMI and How to Get an Ideal BMI

BMI is a simple tool to assess the correlation between a person’s weight and height. It is widely used in the medical field to determine a person’s nutritional status and to make recommendations on appropriate diet and lifestyle. However, not everyone knows how to calculate BMI the right way and how to have an ideal BMI. Read this article to learn how to calculate BMI so you can determine your current status right now!


What is BMI?

 BMI (Body Mass Index) is a method of assessing a person’s weight based on their height and weight. It is calculated by dividing weight (in kilograms) by the square of height (in metres).

Calculate BMI
What is BMI?

BMI is not a perfect measure for everyone, and it may not be accurate for people with special bodies, such as athletes or the elderly. However, it is still a useful tool for assessing the relationship between weight and height in the majority of people.

How to calculate BMI?

You can use any mathematical method to determine your body measurements, however the basic formula to calculate BMI is as follows. Each of these approaches will allow you to use the signs to gauge your present situation.

Method 1: Based on weight and height

BMI = weight (kg) / (height (m) x height (m)

For example, if you are 1.65 metres tall and weigh 68kg, your BMI would be:

BMI = 68 / (1.65 x 1.65) = 24.98

 Calculate BMI
How to calculate BMI?

Method 2: Calculate weight based on height

Ideal weight = Odd number of height (in cm) x 9 then divided by 10.

In which:

  • Maximum weight = Odd number of height (in cm). (Example: 1m6 tall, maximum weight 60kg)
  • Minimum weight = Odd number of height (in cm) x 8 then divided by 10. (Example: 1m60, calculation 60×8/10 = 48kg)

For example, if you are 1m6 tall, your weight index based on your height will be:

Weight =  60 x 9/10 = 54kg (balanced level)

=> So based on the odd number of height, we can immediately determine the maximum allowable weight. If the maximum weight is exceeded, it means you are overweight.

Method 3: Calculate waist-to-hip ratio (WHR)

The waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), in addition to BMI, is a metric used to evaluate how fat is distributed across the body. The waist size divided by the hip size yields this ratio.

WHR < 0.85 for women and < 0.95 for men. A WHR above 0 may indicate that you are at high risk for conditions like diabetes and heart disease that are linked to the buildup of abdominal fat.

WHR = [Waist circumference (cm) / Hip circumference (cm)]

For example, if your waist size is 75cm and your hip size is 100cm,

WHR = 75/100 = 0,75

It is crucial to remember that WHR is merely a basic tool for evaluating body fat distribution; it cannot sufficiently determine an individual’s health status without taking into account additional variables like lifestyle and BMI.

Meaning of BMI index

Each method used to calculate BMI above will have a distinct meaning. Nonetheless, they all typically evaluate a person’s body based on how well their height and weight match. It displays the relationship between an individual’s height and weight. A person’s present status can be evaluated using these signs to see if it needs to be conquered, or if there is an excess or a shortage.

 Calculate BMI
Meaning of BMI index

Meaning of BMI index

Each method used to calculate BMI above will have a distinct meaning. Nonetheless, they all typically evaluate a person’s body based on how well their height and weight match. It displays the relationship between an individual’s height and weight. A person’s present status can be evaluated using these signs to see if it needs to be conquered, or if there is an excess or a shortage.

If your BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9, you are considered to be at a normal weight. If your BMI is higher, it may indicate that you are at risk for heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and other health-related conditions. If your BMI is lower, it may indicate that you are experiencing undernutrition and are at risk for malnutrition.

BMI is not the only way to assess a person’s health. It does not tell about a person’s body fat distribution. Therefore, one must also consider other indicators such as body fat percentage and activity level to assess their health.

According to the standards of the World Health Organization (WHO), BMI is divided into the following categories:

  • BMI below 18.5: underweight
  • BMI from 18.5 to 24.9: normal
  • BMI from 25 to 29.9: pre-obese
  • BMI from 30 to 34.9: obese class I
  • BMI from 35 to 39.9: obese class II
  • BMI above 40: obese class III (dangerous)

How to get the ideal BMI

As the content above, you already know how to calculate BMI, right? If your BMI is too high, it is not as ideal as desired. You need to maintain a balance between your weight and height. The ideal BMI is determined by the range of values ​​from 18.5 to 24.9. If your BMI is within this range, this shows that you have the right weight for your height.

The following strategies can be used to balance your BMI and reach the desired level:

Get regular exercise

Exercise is the best way to burn calories and lose weight. You can exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, including activities like walking, jogging, swimming, or taking exercise classes.

 Calculate BMI
Do exercise regularly to achieve ideal BMI

Have a healthy diet

Maintain a balanced and healthful diet by consuming more fresh, nutrient-dense meals and fewer foods heavy in fat and sugar.

Reduce consumption of carbonated and sugary drinks

Carbonated drinks and sugar are the cause of obesity and can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity. If you can limit the consumption of sugar and carbonated drinks for a while. After applying the method to calculate BMI, you will be surprised at the results.

 Calculate BMI
Reduce consumption of carbonated drinks.

Adjust your lifestyle

Along with a balanced diet and regular exercise, you should also make sure you get enough sleep, stay away from stress, and abstain from alcohol, tobacco, and other unhealthy habits.

Application of high technology

When using the following conventional ways to calculate BMI, it can be challenging to quickly reach the optimal index if your index is quite large. Therefore, using modern technology is the most efficient technique to achieve a great outcome quickly.

 Calculate BMI
Effective fat reduction with Lipo Ultrasound technology.

Currently, to reduce excess fat quickly, safely, painlessly, and non-invasively, there is no way to surpass Lipo Ultrasound liposuction technology. When performed this way, it will help break down fat cells, making them soft and easily removed. Therefore, it will bring fast and safe results when performed. So it can be said that this method helps you regain your figure and bring you the ideal BMI index of a supermodel.

Hopefully, the content shared about how to calculate BMI and how to have an ideal BMI will help you have the most standard body shape. Wish you will soon have a slim, beautiful body with the most perfect BMI. If you have many other questions, do not hesitate to contact Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital for advice and answers as soon as possible.


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